Studying German in Berlin was an enriching experience. I practiced the language daily, both in structured lessons and through interactions in cafes, on the streets, and with Berlin's diverse community
Here’s how my 3-week stay went as a student in GLS summer camps in Berlin. I went there between July 23rd and August 12th. Needless to say, I had a fun, amusing and a rather inspiring experience here in Berlin.
Hello my name is Clara. I spent 2 weeks in Berlin College and I would have stayed more. During my stay I met some of the most incredible people and had so much fun. Definitely a very memorable experience.
Ich bin diesen Sommer zum ersten Mal nach Berlin gekommen und habe 3 Wochen bei GLS verbracht. Ich möchte dieses Camp mit Ihnen teilen, in dem ich sehr gute Freunde gefunden und Deutsch gelernt habe.
Als ich bei GLS ankam, hätte ich nie gedacht, wie viel Spaß ich haben würde. GLS hat es mir ermöglicht, Berlin kennenzulernen, neue Freunde aus der ganzen Welt zu finden und viel Deutsch zu lernen. Das war toll!
Before I arrived, I was convinced that in Berlin, I would strictly study and there would be no space for fun. Luckily, I was proven wrong very quickly and had the best two weeks of my summer. Let me tell you about it.
I spent two weeks at the GLS Berlin College and it literally changed my summer. I got to know amazing people from all over the world, discovered the city as if I was a 'Berliner', improved my German as well as my English language and never felt as indipendent and responsible for myself.
I spent 2 weeks in Berlin, I have attended most of available activities, visited the most of famous tourist attractions in Berlin and many bars and restaurants.